Student Activities
Orientation programme for 1st MBBS students (2011- 12 Batch) was conducted on Dt: 01.08.2011 & 02.08.2011 at Puvvada Auditorium, Mamata Medical College, Khammam. On that occasion Sr. P. Ajay Kumar, Chairman, Mamata Educational Society, was invited as Chief Guest. Dr. B. Anuradha, Coordinator of Medical Education Technology Unit gave an introduction about the two days orientation programme and presided over the programme.
Dr. K. Koteshwar Rao, Dean & Principal, Mamata Medical College, welcomed the Freshers & Parents. He explained about the rules & regulations of the college. Vice Principal (Administration) Dr. Sk. Khaja, Medical Superintendent Dr. M. Malikarjun, Head of the Departments of 1st MBBS greeted the students. Dr. T. Jayasree, Vice Principal (Academic) presided over the Oath taking ceremony of medical students, Dr. Col. Srinivas, Professor OF Prosthodontics presided over the Oath taking ceremony of the dental students.

Sri. P. Ajay Kumar, Chairman, Mamata Educational Society, released the Hand Book for students and addressed the students & parents. He explained about the mentor system, rules of the college, attendance of the students and care taken for the students by the faculty & management.
Dr. G. Venkateshwarlu, Principal, Mamata Dental College, conveyed the vote of thanks.

Mr. B. Naveen Kumar, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Students Welfare Officer, explained about the rules of hostels and divided the students in to small groups and allotted to the mentors. This was followed by admission formalities.
The 2nd day of program was started with lecture of Dr.C.M.Pawan Kumar Reddy, Professor & HOD of Psychiatry on life of a young medical student & personality development. P.Srilakshmi, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Col. Srinivas, Professor & HOD of Prosthodontics explained about the MBBS & BDS structure, semester and pattern of exams and respectively.
Dr. B. Anuradha, Coordinator, Medical Education Technology Unit explained about the importance of basic sciences in medicine, After lunch break all the students were taken for medical checkup.
A two day Orientation Programme was conducted for 2011-2011 batch PG students on 8th and 9th June 2011.
On that occasion Dean & Principal Dr. K.Koteshwer Rao welcomed the PG students. Dr. Y.Mallykarjun, Medical Supdt. explained about the rules and regulations of the hospital, duty timings, leave entitlement etc.,Dr. Uday Pal Singh, Prof, & HOD of Forensic Medicine revised about the medical ethics for doctors and importance of maintaining Medical records.

After a lunch break introduction of PGs was done in a novel way to improve their communication skills. Medical Education Technology was introduced to them as they are going to become future medical teachers and also to facilitate active learning.
Dr. B.Anuradha Co-ordinator, METU taught them regarding various teaching / learning methods and Pedagogy. Dr. C.M Pavan Kumar Reddy, Prof. & HOD of Psychiatry explained about the usage of power point and various teaching learning media.
Second day Dr. Manoj Patiki, Asso. Prof. of Community Medicine introduced about research methodology such as framing a research question, study designs and study groups.

Dr. Swathi Patki, Asso. Prof. of Community Medicine explained about importance of biostatistics in research. Dr. K.Kalyan Kumar, Asst. Prof. of Biochemistry explained about dissertation writing and writing a manuscript for Scientific Publications. Dr. B.Anuradha, Co-ordinator, METU introduced about the importance of Evidenced Based Education System and importance of research in Medicine.
All the PGs actively participated and interacted with the resource persons.
Our Golden StudentDr.
Sistla Venkata Jyotsna (Registration No: 0588078) did our college
proud, when she was awarded with Gold medal for securing highest
marks in the university exams in the subject of Endodontics &
Conservative Dentistry. She was presented with medal at 15th Annual
convocation of Dr NTR University of Health Sciences,
Vijayawada on 11th April 2011. She received the award from his
Excellency ESL Narasimhan, Governor, Andhrapradesh, the Chancellor of
Dr. NTRUHS, Vijayawada.
Mamata Medical College:Khammam
Medical Education Technology Unit
Interns Oreintation Programme In April 2011.
An Orientation Programme was conducted for new batch of interns (passed in February 2011) on 7th & 8th April 2011.
orientation was given on various topics such as Administrative Rules
and Regulations, Duties in the hospital by the medical superintendent.
They were introduced about the management of Medical Emergencies such
as Shock, CPR & Trauma by the department of General Medicine,
General Surgery & Orthopedics with practical demonstration on
from the three laboratory departments Biochemistry, Pathology &
Microbiology guided the interns about the sample collection and
transport. Department of General Surgery demonstrated the bedside
practical procedures, such as introducing Foley’s Catheter, Injections,
Wearing Glovses, Suturing & Hand Washing.
of Forensic Medicine explained about the guidelines on dealing medico
legal cases in clinical practice and also medical record documentation.
All the interns participated and interacted actively with the resource
Extacy 2011, the funfest, was organized by our interns on 29th
March 2011, it was amusing & refreshing evening for all the students with a
lot of fun, game and food stalls run by students themselves followed by Pulsating
and Rhythmic Music by Live DJ's

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